
5 Tips for Securing Your Business

When you’ve invested countless amounts of time, energy, and money into your business,
a man and a woman sitting at a table with a laptop

When you’ve invested countless amounts of time, energy, and money into your business, you want to make sure that it is as safe and secure as possible. Your success may depend on how well you can secure your business. When you think of security you may think of things like firewalls and encryption technology. But, do you also think of locked doors, security badges, or sign-in sheets? Data security and physical security go hand in hand when protecting your business investment. There are many ways for thieves to gain access to your business. To make sure you’re protected, here are five tips for securing your business and ensuring that your investment is safe.

1. Keep an inventory of devices.


In today’s business world, mobile devices have become integral for transactions. While this is very convenient, it can also add some security issues. Theft of devices such as laptops and servers, etc., are often the sources of data breaches. To combat this, ensure that you have a documented inventory of all of the devices that store business information and conduct transactions. Asset management helps you keep track of things you own. You need to be aware of where these devices are, who has them, and if they travel anywhere. All data on these devices should be protected by encryption technology. An accurate inventory will help you keep track of all your devices if one of them goes missing. This inventory can help identify any stolen device and provide a picture of what data may be compromised.

2. Limit access to sensitive information or equipment.

Just like banks don’t let everybody walk around their vaults, you shouldn’t let all of your employees have access to all of your business. It would be wise to limit access to areas with sensitive information to only those people who require it for their job. It’s best practice to give your employees access only to the places that they need. Doing this will limit your information from being at risk and also provide a narrowed list of those who have access should something go wrong.

3. Secure Your Property


You’ll need to create a set of policies for your employees to handle physical security. Doing this will guard against intentional or unintentional theft. Some things to consider in your policies include building perimeter security, device security, as well as visitor access procedures. Securing your building and the physical assets of your business is of paramount importance. is one of many services that can offer your business security surveillance and monitoring. When using a digital platform, you can monitor your building and property from anywhere. This is just one way to secure your property. Recording these policies and procedures will ensure all involved know your expectations and how to handle security.

4. Train Your Employees


Policies and procedures won’t do your business a lot of good if your employees don’t follow them. One of the biggest causes of many data and security breaches is a result of human error. It only takes one employee forgetting to lock a door or a data cabinet, or letting an unauthorized person in for something to go wrong. Make sure to provide employees with consistent policies and training on physical security. It will help if employees understand the risk and liabilities involved in adherence to company policy. Forbes says that your employees are doors into your business and it’s important to keep those locked as well with adequate training. Doing an initial training and then following up regularly will help cement your policies.

5. Remember the small things.

It’s obvious that you make sure your doors are locked at night and everything is secure after hours, but what about during the day? A lot of security breaches happen in the middle of the working day. Consider the access that janitors and delivery persons have. It could be easy for someone to slip into unauthorized areas. Unauthorized access can be the result of overlooking smaller security details. Regardless of how friendly and innocent someone may be, you should adhere to policy to ensure the protection of your business. It’s crucial to not leave out smaller security details. It can take just one breach to threaten the well-being of your company. You’ll want to take great strides to ensure that both your data and your business are safe and secure.

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